
Today is Saturday, February 22, 2025

Publications by Greg Sykes

The following is the complete publication and presentation listing in which Greg Sykes appears as an author.


American Type Culture Collection Standards Development Organization Workgroup ASN-0002-2022 (Christopher T. Korch, Erin M. Hall, Wilhelm G. Dirks, Gregory R. Sykes, Amanda Capes-Davis, Tanya Barrett, John M. Butler, Richard M. Neve Raymond W. Nims, Douglas R. Storts, Fang Tian, Roland M. Nardone). 2022. Human Cell Line Authentication: Standardization of Short Tandem Repeat (STR) Profiling. ANSI/ATCC ASN-0002-2022. Copyrighted by ATCC and the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). Manassas, VA, USA. Hard copies are available at

American Type Culture Collection Standards Development Organization Workgroup ASN-0003 (Almeida J, Alston-Roberts C, Bauer B, Burnett E, Cole K, Cooper J, Cooper JK, de Mars M, Elmore E, Furtado M, Hanner R, Kohara A, Korch C, Nims R, Oien N, Reid Y, Schindel, DE, Schlottmann S, Sohrabi A, Stoeckle M, Sykes G). 2015. Species-Level Identification of Animal Cells through Mitochondrial Cytochrome c Oxidase Subunit 1 (CO1) DNA Barcodes. ANSI/ATCC ASN-0003-2015. Copyrighted by ATCC and the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). Manassas, VA, USA.

Capes-Davis, Amanda, Yvonne A. Reid, Margaret C. Kline, Douglas R. Storts, Ethan Strauss, Wilhelm G. Dirks, Hans G. Drexler, Roderick A. F. MacLeod, Gregory Sykes, Arihiro Kohara, Yukio Nakamura, Eugene Elmore, Raymond W. Nims, Christine Alston-Roberts, Rita Barallon, Georgyi V. Los, Roland M. Nardone, Paul J. Price, Anton Steuer, Jim Thomson, John R. W. Masters, Liz Kerrigan. 2012. Match criteria for human cell line authentication: Where do we draw the line? International Journal of Cancer.

American Type Culture Collection Standards Development Organization Workgroup ASN-0002 (Alston-Roberts C, Barallon R, Bauer SR, Butler J, Capes-Davis A, Dirks WG, Elmore E, Furtado M, Kerrigan L, Kline MC, Kohara A, Los GV, MacLeod RAF, Masters JR, Nardone M, Nims RW, Price PJ, Reid YA, Shewale J, Steuer AF, Storts DR, Sykes G, Taraporewala Z, Thomson J). 2011. Authentication of Human Cell Lines: Standardization of STR Profiling. ANSI/ATCC ASN-0002-2011. Copyrighted by ATCC and the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). Manassas, VA, USA.

American Type Culture Collection Standards Development Organization Workgroup ASN-0002 (Alston-Roberts C, Barallon R, Bauer SR, Butler J, Capes-Davis A, Dirks WG, Elmore E, Furtado M, Kerrigan L, Kline MC, Kohara A, Los GV, MacLeod RAF, Masters JR, Nardone M, Nims RW, Price PJ, Reid YA, Shewale J, Steuer AF, Storts DR, Sykes G, Taraporewala Z, Thomson J). 2010 (June). Cell line misidentification: the beginning of the end. Nature Reviews Cancer 10(6):441-448. PubMedID 20448633.

Barallon, Rita, Steven R. Bauer, John Butler, Amanda Capes-Davis, Wilhelm G. Dirks, Eugene Elmore, Manohar Furtado, Margaret C. Kline, Arihiro Kohara, Georgyi V. Los, Roderick A. F. MacLeod, John R. W. Masters, Mark Nardone, Roland M. Nardone, Raymond W. Nims, Paul J. Price, Yvonne A. Reid, Jaiprakash Shewale, Gregory Sykes, Anton F. Steuer, Douglas R. Storts, Jim Thomson, Zenobia Taraporewala, Christine Alston-Roberts, and Liz Kerrigan. 2010. Recommendation of short tandem repeat profiling for authenticating human cell lines, stem cells, and tissues. In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology – Animal 46(9):727-732.

Nims, Raymond W., Greg Sykes, Karin Cottrill, Pranvera Ikonomi, and Eugene Elmore. 2010. Short tandem repeat profiling: part of an overall strategy for reducing the frequency of cell misidentification. In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology – Animal 46(10):811–819.

Sykes, Gregory R. 2009 (April). Fairfax County celebrates Virginia’s first invasive plant removal day (reprinted from Virginia Water Central 48:25-26.

Sykes, Gregory R. 2007. What is “Live-Framing?” Marine Fish and Reef USA 2008 Annual 10:108-119. [View unedited manuscript]

Cooper, Jason, Greg Sykes, Steve King, Karin Cottrill, Natalia V. Ivanova, Robert Hanner, and Pranvera Ikonomi. 2007. Species identification in cell culture: a two-pronged molecular approach. In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology – Animal 43(10):344-351.

Josephson, R., G. Sykes, Y. Liu, C. Ording, W. Xu, X. Zeng, S. Shin, J. Loring, A. Maitra, M.S. Rao, and J.M. Auerbach. 2006. A molecular scheme for improved characterization of human embryonic stem cell lines. BioMed Central (BMC) Biology 4:28.

McClure, Kevin and Gregory R. Sykes. 2001. Relocating the reef aquarium. Freshwater and Marine Aquarium 24(9):152-170. [View unedited manuscript]

Durkin, A. Scott, Edward Cedrone, Gregory Sykes, Debra Boles, and Yvonne A. Reid. 2000. Utility of gender determination in cell line identity. In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology – Animal 36(6):344-347.

Sykes, G.R., A.H. Christensen, and P.M. Peterson. 1997. A chloroplast DNA analysis of Chaboissaea (Poaceae:Eragostideae). Systematic Botany 22(2):291-302.

Sykes, Gregory R. 1996. Coral culture: an alternative to coral reef harvests. Sea Wind 10(1):2-12. [Text only]

• Paper partially reprinted in Sykes, Gregory R. 1997. Coral culture: an alternative to coral reef harvests. Aquarist and Pond Keeper 61(11):6-9.

Sykes, Greg. 1994. Book Review: Ray Troll’s Shocking Fish Tales: Fish, Romance, and Death in Pictures by Ray Troll and Brad Matsen. The American Biology Teacher 56(6):380.

Symposium and Poster Presentations

Sykes, Greg. 2016. Mitochondria-Targeting PCR and CO1 Barcode Sequence Analyses as Alternatives to Isoenzymology. International Society for BioProcess Technology (ISBioTech) 4th Fall Meeting. [View]

Sykes, Greg. 2015. Mitochondrial Multiplex and CO1 Barcode Analyses as Alternatives to Isoenzymology. International Society for BioProcess Technology (ISBioTech) 3rd Fall Meeting.

Sykes, Greg. 2012. Cell Culture Species Identification through Molecular Genetics. International Society for BioProcess Technology (ISBioTech) 2nd Annual Meeting.

Reid, Y.A., G. Sykes, P. Ikonomi, and E. Cedrone. 2003. Authentication of cell lines. Molecular Biology of the Cell 14 (supplement): 477a. Abstract #2671 for poster presentation in the 43rd American Society for Cell Biology Annual Meeting.

Sykes, Greg (speaker), Robyn Hedges, Ming Hui, and Yvonne Reid. 2002. Human cell line quality control through STR analysis. 35th Annual Middle Atlantic Regional Meeting, American Chemical Society, May 28-30, 2002. Abstract #67 (page 56). [View]

Sykes, Greg and Yvonne Reid. 2001. Occurrence and stability of STR microvariant alleles in established human cell lines. Molecular Biology of the Cell 12 (supplement): 523a. Abstract #2879 for poster presentation in the 41st American Society for Cell Biology Annual Meeting. [View]

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