
Today is Saturday, February 22, 2025

Marine Biology

Sunrise over the Atlantic OceanAll that we do
Is touched with ocean, yet we remain
On the shore of what we know.
—Richard Wilbur

These truthful words convey our relationship with the ocean: we voyage across the waves, we feast from the sea’s bounty, we relax on the shore, we are just beginning to understand the ocean. The sea runs in our blood as freely as our primeval ancestors swam in it. Yet this vast frontier remains largely unexplored. While astronomers search for life beyond Earth, we explore inner space with special suits and fantastic vehicles to encounter creatures more alien than the imagination could ever conjure.

This page brings the world beneath the sea a touch closer to you. Please use these resources to enhance your knowledge about marine ecosystems, the creatures living in the sea, and ways to help the troubled seas. Anyone anywhere on this planet can be a good ocean steward through responsible seafood selections, preventing toxic substances (e.g., herbicides, pesticides, fertilizers, motor oil, pet and livestock waste) from entering waterways, and picking up trash before it washes seaward.

Click on any of the following titles for more marine biology information:

Seascapes Explore coastlines and useful images through Greg’s photography

Marine Resources and Links: Become acquainted with ocean dwellers and ecosystems here

Coral Propagation: Learn how to grow and maintain live coral via links and references to Greg’s articles

Sustainable Seafood: Find out which seafoods are environmentally excellent choices, which species to avoid, and why

Water Conservation: Features links on improving water quality through riparian buffers, rain gardens, and healthy land stewardship

El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO): Literature review of publications within 10 years of the severe 1982-83 ENSO; study about this oceanographic event and its impact on corals

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