
Today is Saturday, February 22, 2025

Early Detection Rapid Response

The best solution to a problem is to prevent the problem from manifesting in the first place! Some non-native invasive weeds have yet to entrench themselves in Fairfax County but devastated other parts of the U.S. where they already invaded. Early Detection Rapid Response (EDRR) volunteers inspect local parks and GPS-document any of the following target species before the weeds spread:

Scientific Name Common Name
Cynanchum nigrum (Vincetoxicum nigrum) Black Swallow-Wort
Heracleum mantegazzianum Giant Hogweed
Imperata cyindrica Cogongrass
Lamiastrum galeobdolon Yellow Archangel
Mahonia bealei Leatherleaf Mahonia
Murdannia keisak Marsh Dayflower or Wart Removing Herb
Oenanthe javanica Java Dropwart
Oplismenus hirtellus Wavyleaf Basketgrass
Pueraria lobata Kudzu
Viburnum dilatatum Linden Viburnum

Currently known weed populations are either small or non-existent in Fairfax County. Patrollers searching for these emerging weed species must have basic plant identification knowledge; details will be provided at each patrol. Those wishing to lead EDRR surveys must attend an informational two hour training session. More information about this program is here:

If you would like to volunteer for the EDRR efforts at and around Royal Lake Park, click here and let us know.

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