
Today is Saturday, February 22, 2025

Additional Resources and Eco-Links 2


Continued from Additional Resources and Eco-Links 1.

Land and Water Conservation


Resource Protection Areas (RPAs) and Riparian Buffers

America’s Great Waters Coalition: information about watershed protection, sponsored in part by the National Parks Conservation Association

The Chesapeake Bay Preservation Act, aka “The Bay Act”

Lawn Chemical and Runoff Problems

List of Lawn Care Operators with Water Quality Agreements with The Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation

Encroachment Problems Onto Parks and Public Lands

Jewell, Susan. 2009. That pesky yard waste: it’s biodegradable, so why can’t I just dump it in the woods? Originally appeared in The Fairfax Chronicle 7(2):4.

Encroaching and invasive plants—Virginia court ruling (summary: the owner on which the plant originates, e.g., tree roots damaging a neighbor’s driveway, is liable); search for case number 1153823 at

Mulching and Composting Guides

Storm Drains and Water Contamination

Rain Gardens

Rain Barrels

FAQs on Flooding

Volunteer at Fairfax County Parks

All IMA sites

Volunteer at Fairfax County parks

General volunteer site within Fairfax County

Health and Safety

Firewise Virginia from the Virginia Department of Forestry: Protect Your Home and Family Against Forest Fires

Increased biodiversity and disease control

Keesing, Felicia et al. 2006. Effects of species diversity on disease risk. Ecology Letters 9: 485–498.

Keesing, Felicia et al. 2010. Impacts of biodiversity on the emergence and transmission of infectious diseases. Nature 468: 647–652.

Sachs, Jessica Snyder. 2010 (Aug/Sept). A dose of diversity. National Wildlife 48(5):22-29.

Lyme disease and its relationship with rodents and invasive plants

Allan, Brian F. et al. 2010. Invasive honeysuckle eradication reduces tick-borne disease risk by altering host dynamics. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107(43)18523-18527.

Elias SP, et al. 2006. Deer browse resistant exotic-invasive understory: an indicator of elevated human risk of exposure to Ixodes scapularis (Acari: Ixodidae) in southern coastal Maine woodlands. Population and Community Ecology 43(6):1142-1152.

Useful Fairfax County Links

Fairfax County Stewardship Brochures:

County Sustainable Initiatives:

County Wildlife Biologist (topics on deer and geese towards the bottom of the page):

Environmental Quality Advisory Council (in particular take a look at their Annual Report on the Environment):

Natural Resource Management Plan (5 Year Accomplishments and plan itself are links to the right of the page):

Northern Virginia Soil and Water Conservation District:

Park Authority Strategic Plan:

Tree Commission:

Tree Debris and Removal:

Urban Forestry:

Virginia Cooperative Extension:


Audubon Society of Northern Virginia. 2005. The Nature of Change—Preserving the Natural Heritage of a Dynamic Region: Audubon at Home in Northern Virginia. National Audubon Society, Inc., Annandale, Virginia. pp. 79.

Boring, John Kadel et al. 1995. A Nature Company Guide: Natural Gardening. Time-Life Books, Singapore. pp. 288.

Brooklyn Botanic Garden. 2001. Easy Composting: the Secret to Great Soil and Spectacular Plants. Brooklyn Botanic Garden, Inc., New York, New York. pp. 112.

Burrell, C. Colston. 2006. Native Alternatives to Invasive Plants. Brooklyn Botanic Garden, Inc., New York, New York. pp. 239.

Chivian, Eric and Aaron Bernstein. 2008. Sustaining Life: How Human Health Depends on Biodiversity. Oxford University Press. New York, New York. pp. 542.

Coombes, Allen J. 2002. Trees. Dorling Kindersley, Inc., New York, NY. pp. 320.

Fairfax County. 2008 (March). Non-Native Invasive ID and Control. A Fairfax County, Virginia publication.

Haskell, David George. 2012. The Forest Unseen: a Year’s Watch in Nature. Penguin Books, New York, New York. pp. 270.

Mitchell, Joseph C. 1994. The Reptiles Of Virginia. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, D.C. pp. 352.

Powell, Ellen. 2007. Common Native Trees of Virginia. Virginia Department of Forestry, Charlottesville, VA. pp. 120.

Saver, Matthew, Amanda Treher, Lenny Wilson, Robert Naczi, and Faith B. Kuehn. November 2008. Mistaken Identity? Invasive Plants and their Native Look-alikes. Delaware Department of Agriculture. pp. 62.

Tallamy, Douglas W. 2007. Bringing Nature Home: How Native Plants Sustain Wildlife in Our Gardens. Timber Press, Inc., Portland, OR. pp. 288.

Tallamy, Douglas W. 2019. Nature’s Best Hope: A New Approach to Conservation that Starts in Your Yard. Timber Press, Inc., Portland, OR. pp. 256.

Weakley, Alan S., J. Christopher Ludwig, and John F. Townsend. 2012. Flora of Virginia. BRIT Press, Fort Worth, TX. pp. 1554.


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