
Today is Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Commissions and Covers

Greg Sykes’ work in commercial photography has appeared on covers (albums, magazines, annual reports), web pages, advertisement inserts, product shots, and even a text book. Technical photography ranges from laboratory set-ups to diagramming marine aquarium configurations. As a scientist, he specializes in accurate, technical photography because he understands laboratory procedures and knows how to ask about techniques unfamiliar to him. The results are images unparalleled in both technical precision and aesthetic beauty. Greg routinely accepts field assignments involving locating and photographing a specific plant or animal; some of the pictures featured in this web site’s other galleries were assignments.

Greg has experience with many different clients, including private individuals, municipalities/park authority, corporate/biotech sectors. Would you like to hire Greg for an assignment? For more information, contact us here detailing the type of work, including the subject, locations, date, time of day, project’s due date. Please note that in places where photography is restricted, you must be involved in obtaining permits and cover any permit fees.

Catalog Number: c295-02
Album cover for Julie Jamison’s Beyond CD.
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Catalog Number: c067-27
Album cover for Julie Jamison’s The Techno Dances CD.
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Catalog Number: 00-00 1993

Cover design for a college level genetics lab manual.
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Catalog Number: 00-00 1992-10

Poster design for a college Chemistry Club.
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Catalog Number: 00-001992

T-shirt design to help raise funds for tropical field research.
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Cover images for BioProcess International: technician looking at cultured cells under an inverted microscope (left) and a bioreactor (right).

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Cover image for SIM News: cryogenic vessels for storing cell lines.
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Catalog Number: 20101222-11

Product shot for the Universal Mycoplasma Detection Kit.
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Sample of a cell line photography project that Greg designed and established. The images show cell line densities; this example, CRL-1500, is on the website.

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Cover image for an ATCC annual report.

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