
Today is Saturday, February 22, 2025


This page will keep you posted on the latest news, from habitat restoration workdays to new publications and more! Click on the topic and read all about it!

IMA Workday Announcements
Latest Eco-Article

Recruiting Additional IMA Site Leaders
Would you like to help restore the habitat and lead a volunteer team to rid our parks of non-native invasive weeds? The Fairfax County Park Authority (FCPA) is recruiting additional Invasive Management Area (IMA) site leaders. FCPA provides you with training, material support, and all required permits to work in the park. You can tag-team with Greg Sykes on his current sites, work on new areas around Royal Lake, Lakeside or other neighboring parks, or ask about additional parks within the FCPA’s jurisdiction. For more information, call (703) 324-8681 or visit the IMA website.

Kayak Clean-Up at Royal Lake Park
We are recruiting for next season’s Kayak Clean-Up workdays at Royal Lake Park in Fairfax, VA. If you have a kayak, canoe, or any other paddle-driven watercraft, click here and ask about future clean-up sessions.

Pet Rescue
Please adopt your next pet from an animal shelter. By rescuing, you will save its life and help put cruel puppy mills out of business. See some of the animals needing adoption by visiting:

HART (the Homeless Animal Rescue Team)
The Fairfax County Animal Shelter

Here are great books that sheds light on the efforts behind rescues:

Hawkins, Barrie. 2009. Tea and Dog Biscuits: Our First Topsy-Turvy Year Fostering Orphan Dogs. Chicago Review Press, Chicago, IL. pp. 254.

Zheutlin, Peter. 2015. Rescue Road: One Man, Thirty Thousand Dogs, and a Million Miles on the Last Hope Highway. Sourcebooks, Inc., Naperville, IL. pp. 236.

One Picture Saves a Life

You could help a pet find a home through photography. A beautiful, colorful, and composed picture of a pound or shelter animal may attract an adoptive family far better than an unflattering snapshot with cages and poor lighting. From amateurs to professional photographers, your skills can make the difference in the life of a pet if you are kind enough to volunteer a little time. For tips, click on this set of guiding videos or visit One Picture Saves a Life.

Nature Walks, Plant Sales, and Other Events

Virginia Native Plant Plant Sales:

ResOURces Newsletter: Find out about the latest news and seasonal activities throughout the Fairfax County Park Authority’s may natural areas, visitor centers, and historic grounds.

Be sure to also check the program schedules for these nature centers and institutions:

Audubon Naturalist Society
Green Spring Gardens Park
Hidden Oaks Nature Center
Hidden Pond Nature Center
ParkTakes: includes Children’s Nature Series Programs and Single Day Events

Visit again soon for the most recent updates.