
Today is Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Wildlife Gallery

Wildlife photography may seem straightforward: click the critters in their natural environment. However, controversy surrounds this field as to whether or not the animals were photographed in the wild or locked in an enclosure (or in the most extreme cases, if the animal is alive or a taxidermy mount)! The images in this gallery are of living creatures, wild and free, unless otherwise indicated by the image’s caption. Whereas “zoo photography” is legitimate, especially in the context of protecting and propagating endangered species, such disclosures are ethically necessary.

Most importantly, no animal should be disturbed for the sake of a picture, regardless of where they are photographed. Using his naturalist’s knowledge, experience, and insight of animals, Greg’s images were made with every effort to keep the subjects feeling unthreatened by the photographer. In return, animals’ rewards are fantastic natural poses. Learn more about wildlife-ecosystem interactions, habitat restoration, and ways you can promote a healthier, wildlife-friendly environment by clicking on the IMA page.

Please note that some subjects span several categories [e.g., sanderlings (Calidris alba) are wading birds whose images could be filed under either “Seascapes” or “Wildlife”]. You may wish to view multiple galleries for related images.

Catalog Number: 790-7711
Ardea alba (great egret) draped wings–backlit, Royal Lake Park, Fairfax, VA.
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Catalog Number: 780-4149
Casmerodius albus (great egret) in flight, Assateague Island, VA.
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Catalog Number: 790-7718
Butorides virescens (green heron) on a branch, Royal Lake Park, Fairfax, VA.
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Catalog Number: 790-6612
Hirundo rustica (barn swallow) mother with fledglings, Huntley Meadows Park, VA.
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Catalog Number: 790-4505
Lophodytes cucullatus (hooded merganser) approaching on Rabbit Branch, Royal Lake Park, Fairfax, VA.
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Catalog Number: 791-4912
Bombycilla cedrorum (cedar waxwings) eating Aronia arbutifolia (red chokeberry), Fairfax, VA.
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Catalog Number: 790-4101
Calidris alba (sanderling) feeding by the Atlantic Ocean, Assateague Island, VA.
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Catalog Number: 790-4335
Ailurus fulgens (red panda) sleeping in a tree, National Zoo, Washington, D.C.
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Catalog Number: 195-11
Captive Galápagos tortoises at the breeding facility, Charles Darwin Research Station, were fighting over a cactus pad meal. They continued the fight even after the cactus was completely consumed.
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Catalog Number: 780-5594
Bufo americanus (American toad), Fairfax, VA.
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Catalog Number: 790-2624
Papilia glaucus (tiger swallowtail) on Eupatorium purpureum (sweetscented joe-pye weed), Fairfax, VA.
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Catalog Number: 791-0382
Speyeria aphrodite (Aphrodite, a species of fritillary) on Asclepias purpurascens (purple milkweed), Huntley Meadows, VA.
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Catalog Number: 790-2846
Sibine stimulea (saddleback caterpillar) feeding on iris leaf, Fairfax, VA.
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