
Today is Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Panoramas Gallery

The images in this gallery draw from different subjects. The commonly shared feature is that each picture is actually two or more photographs that were seamlessly, digitally stitched together. This process results in a much higher resolution image than could be captured by a single snapshot. The higher resolution enables much larger prints at high dpi to be created with stunningly clear detail compared to an image with fewer raw pixels.

Catalog Number: 748-11–748-12
Tangier Island, VA, USA: western-most docks in the morning twilight. Tangier Harbor Dawn Panorama.
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Catalog Number: 752-05–752-07
Tangier Harbor, Tangier Island, VA, USA. View of docks from east end, where tour boats moor.
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Catalog Number: 790-0205, 790-0206 & 790-0208
Woodland with sunbeams panorama, Huntley Meadows, VA. Grape vines and trees are NATIVE, Celastrus orbiculatus (oriental bittersweet) vines and Microstegium vimineum (Japanese stiltgrass) are serious INVASIVE weeds.
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Catalog Number: 780-0823–0826
Mertensia virginica (Virginia bluebells) NATIVE in bloom. Panorama of Bluebell Forest I set D, Bluebell Trail, Bull Run Regional Park, VA.
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Catalog Number: 780-0110–780-0111
Panorama series 3, Great Falls (Maryland side).
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Catalog Number: 780-0077–780-0093
Great Falls National Park, Maryland side–Panorama (wide version).
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Catalog Number: 791-3162–791-3164
Civil War Panorama: the battle reenactment–Confederates pressing Union, Civil War Battle at Cedar Creek. Digitally removed anachronisms. Living history and reenactment produced by the Cedar Creek Battlefield Foundation, Middletown, VA (
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Catalog Number: 780-2945 & 780-2948
Sunset view from Timber Hollow Overlook, Shenandoah National Park, VA.
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