
Today is Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Miscellaneous Gallery

G.R. SYKES’ work reflects a diverse breadth. Whereas some subjects are easily categorized under the major galleries, others are stand-alone topics. From the explosive to the serine, delve into this gallery and find a surprise with each turn!

Catalog Number: 790-8908 & 790-8910
Lanterns and nuts at the 28th Virginia winter camp, Civil War Sully Plantation Candlelight Tours
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Catalog Number: 129-06
Burning Meat Truck. Everyone made it out of the accident with minor injuries.
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Catalog Number: 780-0398
Sunset sky reflected in a rainy stone patio.
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Catalog Number: 780-9589
Cracked and crazed Earth—dried out.
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Catalog Number: 790-4737
Snow drift patterns and textures, morning after Blizzard 2009, Royal Lake dam, Fairfax, VA.
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Catalog Number: 780-6241
Ice crystals in a -20″C freezer.
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Catalog Number: 780-9740
Cloud-to-cloud lightning from approaching thunderstorm, Fairfax, VA.
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Catalog Number: Food1
Sample image of food photography.
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