
Today is Saturday, February 22, 2025

Sully By Candlelight Gallery

Sully Historic Site, also called Sully Plantation, is currently owned by the Fairfax County Park Authority (FCPA). It hosts Candlelight Tours on certain December evenings after the park’s normal closing time. In addition to a holiday theme, the time periods depicted vary each year and included Federalist (near the house’s construction and reflects the current furnishings), Civil War (when Confederate troops camped on the grounds while the family in residence supported Lincoln), Victorian, and World War II. Sadly, FCPA halted the Civil War-related reenactments in the wake of extremist violence seen across the nation, which loses an interesting event in Sully’s history. All of the photography subjects in this gallery were illuminated with natural flame or, in limited instances where a fire hazard was present, a light bulb simulating a flame was used.

Catalog Number: 790-8855
Naval officer reading book by candlelight, Federalist Period, Sully Plantation Candlelight Tours.
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Catalog Number: 791-4167–791-4170
Fireplace in the laundry room, Federalist Period, Sully Plantation Candlelight Tours.
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Catalog Number: 791-4093
MaryKatherine with mirror reflection, Federalist Period, Sully Plantation Candlelight Tours.
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Catalog Number: 791-4109–791-4110
Food in the dining room arranged for a party, Federalist Period, Sully Plantation Candlelight Tours.
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Catalog Number: 790-8986
Making Lincoln’s chicken in the kitchen fireplace, Civil War Period, Sully Plantation Candlelight Tours.
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Catalog Number: 791-4655
Lieutenant Colonel Charles Venable and Lieutenant Stevenson, CSA, sitting down for dinner, Civil War Period, Sully Plantation Candlelight Tours.
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Catalog Number: 791-4704
Confederate Regiment firing muskets overhead, Civil War Period, Sully Plantation Candlelight Tours.
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Catalog Number: 791-4244
Top of the dresser, Victorian Period, Sully Plantation Candlelight Tours.
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Catalog Number: 791-4759
Doty O’Rourke reading about the latest World War II news, WWII Period, Sully Plantation Candlelight Tours.
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